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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Solidworks modeling tutorials of the rib and mirror feature

Hi, friends this another solidworks modeling tutorial where you will learn the rib feature and mirror feature of solidworks 3d modeling software, as you can see in the above picture we are going to add a rib in the solidbody, see next silde for details.

If you havent checked the previous tutorials of the rib feature, it will be though for you, this solidworks modeling tutorial is in the continuation of the first feature solidworks modeling tutorial, check out the coincident constraints in the slide, this is necessery for the rib operation to succed.

After the rib feature this is the final output, you need to place the reference plane in the middle of your solidworks model and must be perpendicular to the top plane.

Now, we will check the mirror feature of the solidworks software and in this solidworks modeling tutorial we will try to mirror the rib which we have created in the previous slide on the side shown in the sbove slide.

This is how we do the mirroring of the rib, check the slide very carefully.

And finally the solidworks modeling tutorial of the rib and mirror feature is complete, this is the final model.

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